Hey there, I am Sharon

As a certified coach specializing in neuro re-alignment, founder of the NewLeadersMovement, and speaker, I'm passionate about empowering women in the workplace and helping organizations create psychologically safe environments where all voices are valued.

My journey began with personal challenges, including a two-year burnout that impacted my business and well-being. Through this experience, I discovered powerful techniques that helped me tap into the wisdom of my head, heart, and gut. This transformative approach became the foundation of my work.

Today, I focus on helping ambitious women break through invisible barriers and reach their full potential. For individuals, I provide tailored strategies to amplify impact and visibility, uncovering hidden obstacles that may be sabotaging career growth.

For corporations, I offer expertise in fostering inclusive environments that support and advance women. My approach addresses the alarming statistic that 59% of the global workforce is disengaged, often due to feeling psychologically unsafe or undervalued.

The New Leaders Movement isn't about traditional team-building. Our transformative power lies in Meaningful Conversation Sessions and our neuroscience-based Re-Alignment Method. These techniques create a space where employees, especially women, feel safe, heard, and deeply connected to their purpose.

Whether you're an ambitious woman seeking to shatter the glass ceiling or a corporation aiming to drive innovation through diversity, my approach combines personal development with organizational transformation. Together, we can break through barriers, cultivate psychological safety, and thrive in today's competitive landscape..

What sets us apart? It's our holistic approach to inclusion.

We understand that true transformation requires more than just policy changes or diversity quotas. It's about fostering a culture where every voice is heard, every perspective is respected, and every individual can thrive.

In a world where inclusion is more important than ever, we're committed to staying at the forefront of change. Whether it's through ongoing Key-note speeches, events, or 1:1  coaching.

So if you're ready to take your team to the next level, we're here to help. Let's embark on this journey together – towards a future where every workplace is a place where everyone belongs.